Game Diary: DuckTales, Tomb Raider, Rocket Knight


DuckTales Remastered

The original DuckTales NES game is one I have played and completed many times over, but not one I’ve played in the last 20 years.  I had no idea how the game would hold up or if it would be short by today’s standards.  I am however very familiar with the show, and when DuckTales Remastered was announced, I took the time to introduce my children to the show and was really satisfied with how well it held up.  

The best thing about DuckTales Remastered is that it pays homage to the show more than the game.  We now have an action game set in DuckTales  world that really has the characters, voices, and look of the TV show.  The animated models are completely redone but still invoke the classic characters.  The voices are provided by surviving show cast, and the voices are needed since the game finally has a story.  A new intro level with the Beagle Boys sets the stage for a new treasure hunt, and from Scrooge’s Money Bin you can access the 5 classic stages in any order.  New dialog, introductions, and animation in between and during each stage make this feel more like a new 5 part episode of the series.

My daughter cheered along watching me play the game as if it were the show she already loves. That is the best review I can give.

Now, Disney.  Seriously.  Release the remaining DuckTales episodes on DVD, or at least license the rest for streaming on Amazon Prime.

Tomb Raider

I’ve flirted with Tomb Raider before.  In fact I played Legend just a few months ago.  But I’ve never actually sat down and really seriously played a game in the series.  This new Lara Croft origin story is really remarkable.  Some would say it takes a page from Uncharted, but really most of the climbing, treasure hunting, puzzles, etc were already present in Tomb Raider, this game just takes on Uncharted’s cinematic approach. 

After a few hours of play I think it is as enjoyable as any of Naughty Dog’s series, though a fair amount more brutal.  The first hour is Lara taking hard hits, getting burned, stabbed, etc.  Really breaking her character so that she transitions to a survivalist.  She shows a great deal of remorse when she has to kill to survive, something Nathan Drake would’ve brushed off with a one-liner.

Now I’ve reached the mid point of the game and am really looking forward to seeing the end of the narrative as much as I enjoy the gameplay.  I hope I run into more puzzles and less enemies along the way though, as the idea of a person who has been shipwrecked, stabbed, burned, and sleep deprived killing a small army of armed mercenaries becomes less and less plausible as this wears on.

Halo 4 

Yep.  Still playing this.  Champions Bundle adds a new game type that is basically like NFL with guns.  Enjoyable.

Rocket Knight

I honestly had no idea this game also got any kind of remake treatment.  And I guess that is because it isn’t a remake, it is a sequel to the old Sega Genesis game Rocket Knight Adventures.  And it came out 3 years ago!

Rocket Knight is an Opossum with a suit of armor, a sword, and a jet pack.  Fly around, collect jewels, slash enemies.  Pretty great old platform action game.  

Only played through the demo so far, but it is $3.74 on Xbox right now, so I’ll probably go ahead and buy the rest soon.  

Found him yesterday. #megatron #decepticonclique

Bug in my bath tub. (at Shipley Manor)

Josh Burdette of the 930 Club has died. First met him shortly after he started there checking IDs and stamping hands at a Girls Against Boys concert. 930 club will not be the same without him. Sad day for the DC music scene.

Work Buddies. #decepticonclique #brothersinplastic (at Time Warner Cable)

Told my wife is anything ever happens to me I want to be buried in this T-shirt and old sweat shorts. #deathshorts

Weirdly beardly.

I didn’t know there were drug dealers in this bathroom until you said something guys. (at Cenex)

Yakov Face/Off

Bathroom reading #sweet #ninjas

#tbt bowling circa 2004.

This is why I have to pee at work every 90 minutes. #water #vitaminwater #coffee #mtndew (at Time Warner Cable)

$10 reward (at 88th Street School)

Heard this in Puerto Rico, searched for the track and sure enough I already downloaded it like 2 years ago and forgot about it.  DJ Zebra is pretty alright.

Throwback Thursday: my business card being held by Alternators Jazz at my desk when I sold cars for a Mazda dealer. #throwbackthursday #tbt #transformers #brothersinplastic #decepticonclique

Sea monster (at Mi Casa by Jose Andrés Restaurant)

Granola, raisin bran, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries. #breakfast (at Mi Casa by Jose Andrés Restaurant)

e e a Sea seem a

Here on the 27th anniversary of Transformers The Movie, a video I made in time for the 20th.   One of those times when I made myself laugh the entire time I was doing it.

We made a cake for no reason. #cake

Smoked turkey leg and BBQ sauce #wistatefair

Nice buns.

Nice cock.

Super Metroid

#throwbackthursday My daughter meets The Hulk.

I’m on a diet.

I can’t remember the last time I lost a game of Plants Vs Zombies. I just fill the screen and don’t let anything through. #plants #zombies #pvz #popcap #stars

Santa Claus in my rear view. #XmasInJuly

Shutting down the Shipley factory.

Fucking Paul McCartney traffic.

#Sunday #Morning #Selfie #wreckitralph #newdesk

Game Diary

Game Diary: Forza Horizon, Crysis, LEGO Batman

With the Xbox summer sale in effect, I downloaded a few games I had been wanting to play for a while like Borderlands 2 and Tomb Raider.  I’ll get to those later, I started with a game I bought for three measley dollars…

I’ve heard a lot about this game over the years, mostly  noting that the PC game was too graphically intense to run on any current hardware.  An Xbox 360 version obviously isn’t running those max settings, but looks clean and as good as any other notable game from this generation.  I’ve never purchased a game based on graphical reputation, and I actually did here since I knew nothing about that game aside from that reputation and tv commercials for the sequels.  This is a mistake I will never repeat.

Crysis isn’t bad, but it is hard.  I’m not a great shooter player, even if I enjoy playing them.  Halo is the only one I feel I’m good at, and that is only through practice and knowing my weaknesses as well as my strengths.  I selected the “normal” difficulty which is most games would allow me a little forgiveness, especially in early levels as I get used to game’s enemies and controls.  NOPE.  I got killed on the first encounter.  THE FIRST ONE.  Didn’t even see the guy up on a ridge.

And it escalated from there.  Enemies hiding in brush, enemies hiding in buildings, enemies with better aim than mine constantly calling me out and spotting me even when I’m ‘cloaked’ and should be invisible when motionless.

I resorted to an old Halo trick of running past groups of enemies in order to avoid a fight. I wasn’t even past the first level.  Checkpoints reload really quickly to deescalate frustration, but having to rerun the same spot 6 times isn’t fun no matter what.  I turned the game off after an hour.  Maybe I’ll restart on easy, but not any time soon.

Lego Batman 2
I have played my share of LEGO games and I really find it hard to understand what makes one different from the other.  The first LEGO Batman game I played for a little bit and enjoyed the Danny Elfman music that accompanied, but since it wasn’t based on a movie directly like Star Wars, the original story didn’t seem to grab me since there was no dialog.

LEGO Batman 2 has voices.  Plenty of talking.  Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor seems to be the only role that is reprised from a previous outing, the rest of the voices I’ve encountered so far seem well cast for the more light hearted game.

But it is still a LEGO game.  Lots of item hunting, lots of build puzzles, lots of button mash fights.  I played Co-Op with my wife, and we were occasionally frustrated by the odd split screen effects.  It made some of the platforming a little hard when you needed to go up, but the screen split horizontally.

We will definitely go back and play some more later.  Haven’t even gotten to play as Superman or other characters yet, but was elated to hear John Williams’ theme when he showed up.

Forza Horizon
I almost didn’t pick up this game, I last played Forza III and while it is a technically amazing game and really amazing to look at, I don’t tend to favor more realistic racers.  I prefer Burnout.  But I remembered Horizon is supposed to be a little more casual so I gave it a try.  Wow, so glad I did.  Easily the best game I picked up this week. 

It is set in an open world surrounding a festival and driving around to events I was immediately reminded of Burnout Paradise.  No explosions or crazy stunts, but there are speed cameras everywhere to clock your top speed and ghost challenges from friends all over.  I like the combination of night and day time events, as well as the exploration, finding old cars abandoned in barns.  There is a fast travel option that I never use, not because I don’t want to spend money, but because I’d rather play to get somewhere.  On the road aside from regular traffic are 249 other drivers you can challenge to races for more cash.  Like a role playing game, I’m grinding that cash now so when I get to higher levels buying a new car or parts is no big deal.

I don’t know if I’ll pick up a Forza 5, but if the Horizon series continues I’ll probably stick with it.  I still really hope Criterion makes another Burnout game, but the street racing sign busting from Paradise made it into Horizon, so I’m scratching that itch anyway.

And now a moment of silence for my white wired Xbox 360 controller, which now sticks on the X button and has spotty success on the Y button.  I’ve had it for 6 years and it is finally done.  I haven’t decided if I’ll buy another wired or wireless one.

Happy Fourth, here is a black guy in a kilt.

As seen in the restroom of @MadPlanetMKE #philhartman


This is my favorite sign at the zoo. #ikillbirds #milwaukee #zoo #cats

#milwaukee county #zoo aviary