Two of my most anticipated movies this summer are coming up and I wanted to extend the invitation to anyone interested in going with me.

Facebook link…
Revenge of The Fallen
6091 Mckee Rd
Fitchburg, WI
The only thing better than watching Transformers beat the CGI crap out of each other once will be doing it all again. In the grand tradition of any geek interest movie, there is a midnight showing. I’ve opted for Star’s IMAX screen. Its the most expensive show in town, but the least likely to disappoint when the Constructicons show up.

You can buy tickets from the Star box office, or via the web here:
Note, this is the midnight show on June 23, which is a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

Public Enemies Movie Night
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Point Cinema
7825 Big Sky Dr
Madison, WI
Showtimes and tickets aren’t up for Public Enemies yet, but it opens July 1, and we’re going for a more sane showtime of about 7PM. I’ll post another message closer to the date when I know when it will start. If anyone wants to grab dinner before hand, do RSVP.

Of course this is the movie I’m in, so I’d like to get as many people as possible to join me in disappointment when you can’t actually see me.