twits from a nitwit —

  • 12:49 Getting behind a deadline again. Why do now what can be put off til later? #
  • 13:22 Hershey Special Dark bar says it has “Antioxidants!” Please, do not lure me into thinking this is healthy. #
  • 13:52 Why the fuck do I post on livejournal? Nothing good has ever, ever come from it. #
  • 14:32 — Wolverine #
  • 16:23 I seriously need to rock some asian food this week, and @thebookpolice says HuHot is pretty good… #
  • 16:52 Immediately after mentioning, @HuHot started following me. Does this work for other stuff? Porsche! Xbox 360! Pepsi! Star Trek! Pearl Jam! #
  • 17:24 I’m a hater. #CancelEarl #
  • 17:33 In one week I’ll be at #botcon #

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