twits from a nitwit —

  • 09:36 Catch the bus in 10 minutes and then its the last day of the work week. Next week will be better I think. #
  • 10:58 You know whats awesome? Led Zepplin. I’m not joking. I feel like I’m just starting to get this band. Ten Years Gone? wow. #
  • 12:29 Eating lunch now. Skipped breakfast. Will probably want a big dinner now too. More twittering about buildings and food. #
  • 16:11 Went to Target toy department, could not muster the energy to even consider anything there. My long war with toy additiction may be ending. #
  • 17:19 customers today alternate between super weird and hostile. Soccer mom gives me the 3rd degree on 2 calls and now a woman named Jeffrey… #

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