I’m twittering now and still updating at zacshipley.com regularly.

I found out the Captimes is looking at my stuff, and I’m making it a goal that within a year I’m going to be doubling my writing output or at least closer to finding a permanent job doing it.

This is the latest in my series on video game culture in Madison, WI for TheDailyPage. There is a teaser for it on page 2 of this week’s Isthmus. The game is really fun too, I recommend playing it.

Joe Rheaume’s Excellent Adventure: Chronotron goes from Madison to Penny Arcade Expo
The online comic strip and blog Penny Arcade has been a leading tastemaker in the gaming world for nearly a decade now. It has reached new heights over the last five years with its own convention, the Penny Arcade Expo, held every August in Seattle. Though gamers from all over the nation will find a weekend of fun and competition at this year’s con, Madison native Joe Rheaume will be an invited guest to show his hit time travel game Chronotron. >More

Play Chronotron now.