Transformers / Dark Side Of The Moon

Instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, I got it in my head to bridge the two trailers for Transformers Dark Of The Moon together with “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse” by Pink Floyd from the similarly named album Dark Side Of The Moon.

I’m pleased with the results and may create a more cleverly edited video later once the movie is on DVD. As it stands I kept a lot of the trailers’ original cuts, only slicing out a closeup of Shia and the text announcing names and narration. Re-watching it, theres a split second of silence transitioning from the two songs that bugs me, something I’ll fix when I can make a video with more footage.

My redub videos never get much attention, even if I like doing them. Oh well.


Another video for
Power Core Combiners have been a wholly unintersting sub line of Transformers since they first popped up last year. They include absolutely 0% of classic characters, 0% comic characters, 0% movie characters, 0% cartoon characters. That adds up to 100% of nobody in this line of nobodies.
But I gave one set a chance anyway, since they were Dinobots. Not the real Dinobots, but some Dinobots.

I spent a long time actively searching for them. Some stores would have 3 dozen PCC sets on the shelf, and I would dig through every one to try and find Grimstone. Several times local fans tipped me to the set being on various shelves in certain stores, but I got no luck. By April of this year I had all but given up, but then found them at the same time I picked up Perceptor (a mere week after changing of the guard). This video was kind of a rush, not something I planned much ahead of time. I decided that since I had built up this set for so long and was finally opening it, I’d either capture excitement or disappointment. Its a shame it was more the latter.

Chickens & Couches

With furniture and wildlife destructible, will Delta Squad ever deafeat the Locusts?

Proud Podcasting

Proud Podcasting

Proud Podcasting

The podcast for Powet, better known as The Powetcast, has been running a little over 2 years now. I hosted off an on during 2010, and then took over as permanent host this year. There were problems that were not really the fault of either Logan or Sean (previous hosts) nor of the cast that assembled each week. We just had too much to say and it just takes time for a group to get comfortable talking, especially when we don’t normally see each other and record over skype.

But I’m really proud of this one. I think it turned out well, and its another step in the right direction that I started 2 months ago. So I’d say now is a good time to subscribe, as its finally good enough to recommend to some one that doesn’t read the site already, and will get better from here.
Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link MP3: Powetcast 52: Nothing To Win

Changing Of The Guard

Changing Of The Guard